Wednesday 3 December 2008

Technical Analysis- 'Mystery Repeats' Pete Philly & Perquisite

I chose to analyse this video as i thought it would give us a good insight into the style of a Pete Philly & Perquisite and hopefully give us some ideas to make our video fit their style and genre of music. It also might help us decide on locations, colours and shot sizes for our video.

Here is what i have found out from my analysis:

-The shots are very fast and quickcutting, often using several shots for several seconds of music, I think this helps to keep with the fast pace of the track.
-Almost all of the shots were 'meat' shots, which means they focus on the artist, so this video was entirely a performance based video, with no narrative fuzz as at all. This helps to keep artist authenticity, but this may also cause problems with lip syncing when we are making our video as the music is very fast paced and as is the rapping.
-The video features a sunny blue sky in almost every background, even when the surrounding buildings and backdrop of the shot are all in black and white. I think this helps to show the upbeatness of the video, and keep with the sunny feel of the music.
-As almost all of the shots are 'meat' shots the artist does a lot of movement with his body and arms, as often seen in rap performances, this means he is leaning in closer to the camera, moving his hands closer and leaning away from it. For this reason i think a lens that creates some sort of distortion would be useful and it would create a good effect when the artist is close to the camera. It would also distort all of the surroundings except for the artist who is in the centre of the shot, leaving the focus of the shot purely on his performance.
-The video uses large amounts of CGI digital wipes, such as people carrying the screen away to reveal the shot behind. I think this would be very hard to recreate with our music video so i think we should generally stick to normal cuts.
-The artist has several costume changes throughout the video, and i think this is definetaly something that we could encorperate into our video. The clothes he wears are general Hip Hop type clothing, such as baggy jeans and a baggy t-shirt.
-There are some shots of the music actually being played, such as shots of Perquistie playing the chello, and shots of him using the keyboard, and i think this should definetaly play a part in our music video as there is a long section where there is rapping at all, and there is jazz music.

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