Tuesday 6 January 2009

Location Reccy

Finding locations proved quite easy; all we needed were 3 or 4 locations in which we could cut back and forth from throughout the video that would tie in with the narrative style of the video.
We decided that we would need a bedroom set and after comparing each of our own, we deduced george's room was the preferable location due to vicinity to the school, from where we would be travelling from during free periods etc to film, and also it is more or less equidistant from Hugos and Alex's houses so no one had to make a compromise travelling. The next thing we needed was a kitchen that looked like a 'hip-hop pad' i.e nicely furnished, big and modern looking. Fortunately a friend of ours' Harry Cotton had just the location having just had his house rennovated and a modern kitchen fitted, and we were fortunate enough for him to let us film some our video there. The kitchen is ideal as it is open-plan and has a kind of lounge area aswell which means two locations could be realised in one actual location. The house is in central Tunbridge wells, again easy for the crew to travel to and from.
We needed a recording studio aswel for which we used the school music department's newly furnished recording facillities with an editting studio overlooking a performance booth type area. This was ideal, especially with Hugo's technical music expertise with which he contributed some extra equipment such as a DJ decks, groovebox and synthesiser to enhance the mis en scene, so we picked it as a location. It was fairly practical, apart from having to book a session and moving equipment like the mics out of the vocal booth and moving the drum kit and make sure not to clash with GCSE music student's courework recording, as it was an in school location and so were we.
A location which we had originally planned on using was another friend Tom Parrish's garden with a decking area which we originally planned on trying to have a BBQ scene, but the relentless weather including a heavy snowdrop stopped it from being practical so we had to rethink.

All in all, i think our locations help create an authentic mis en scene with all of the realistic locations that we could use.